Why are we here

Observatory 1 (Bob the bailiff’s hut)
Gravesend / TQ655 745 / Moonrise 06.02 99.5%

Why are you here? This is Bobs hut’ exclaims a young lad and his friend. Yesterdays explanations have not quite spread like a wild fire. ‘He was my dads next door neighbour and made a wishing well in our garden for my nan who died, so we had something to remember her by. So now we have something to remember him by too’. As darkness fell and the moon came up through the trees, these cycles in the lives of people took their place in a longer game. We all know we will die, but I wonder if the other animals do?

What might they have to say on the subject if I find any of them tonight? ‘The foxes will find you‘, I am assured by my final (human) visitor of the evening.